Parent Involvement Program
The involvement of parents in the school is one of the most important factors in a child’s educational success, and therefore, we consider our parent involvement component an integral part of our school’s activities. Educational success will be realized if harmony exists between home, school and community.
MLKECA parents have continued MLKEC’s historical tradition of providing support for school projects featuring prominent, inspirational figures such as Mayor Kwami Kilpatrick for the ribbon cutting of our elementary building (June 2003), and Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu for the middle school opening celebration (January 2010).
School Programs
Throughout the year, school programs provide opportunities for parents to not only observe their child’s academic and artistic skills, but to participate in a variety of capacities. These programs include the Winter Concert (December), African American History Program (February), the Spring Extravaganza/ Science and Art Fair (May), and the Kindergarten/Eighth Grade Graduation (June).
Monthly Family Activities
In addition to parent participation in these school programs, family activities are held monthly. These include: New Parent Orientation (August) Open House (September), Family Skating Party (October), Thanksgiving Jazz Luncheon (November), Valentine Dinner (February), and Career Day (April).
Parent Workshops
Workshop topics conducted by the school counselor include homework and parenting tips. Guest speakers are brought in to provide interactive sessions on more specialized topics addressing academic and social needs.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
MLKECA has four parent-teacher conferences (November, January, April, and June). These conferences provide face-to-face opportunities to address student academic and social needs, as well as methods and ways to strengthen the school-home partnership.
Parent Volunteerism
Parents are expected to volunteer twice monthly and attend at least two parent workshops, meetings, tutoring sessions and conferences. Parent can serve in a volunteer capacity as classroom and noon hour aids, chaperones for field trips, special projects, after school tutoring, and career day.
School/Parent Compact
A school/parent compact has been developed wherein the school acknowledges its responsibility to provide a high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables students to meet state academic standards. Each parent is responsible for supporting their child(ren)’s learning through monitoring attendance, homework completion, television watching, and positive use of extracurricular time.
Program Evaluation
Parents participate in program evaluation through completion of an annual survey rating the effectiveness of the school program and parent activities.
Parent Involvement Events
Contact Us
Martin Luther King Jr.
Education Center Academy
Office: (313) 341-4944
Fax: (313) 341-7014
16827 Appoline
Detroit, Michigan 48235