Thank you for your interest in the Martin Luther King Jr. Education Center Academy. The mission of the Academy is to provide each student with a variety of accelerated learning opportunities appropriate to their individual abilities, competency, skill levels, desire and motivation that will propel them into the 21st century equipped with the academic, artistic, and technological skills needed to maximize their potential in a diverse society.
Re-Enrollment Form
RE-ENROLLMENT FORM 2025-26 for currently enrolled MLKECA students.
Pre-Enrollment Inquiry Form
We are currently accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year. Please submit the Online Enrollment Inquiry Form if you are interested in enrolling your student.
Enrollment applications must be filled out completely and returned with the following documents to be considered for enrollment to
1st-8th Grade Application
2025-26 1st - 8th Grade Application
2024-25 1st - 8th Grade Application
Contact our office at 313.341.4944 or email with questions regarding the application.
Kindergarten Application
Please email documents to
- Application
- Child Record Card
- Health Appraisal
- Consent for Disclosure of Immunizations
- Latchkey Contract
- An ORIGINAL birth certificate, adoption papers or proof of court ordered custody
- A copy of complete Immunization record or legal waiver
- According to state law, all applicants applying for admission for Kindergarten must be age five (5) by September 1st of the school year in which they are applying.